Tick Boot Camp

Episode 437: Holistic Healing Insights - an interview with Doctor Torrie Thompson

2 days ago

Introduction: In this episode of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast, co-host Richard Johannesen is joined by guest co-host Cassidy Colbert to interview Dr. Torrie Thompson, the founder of Meraki Wellness Center. Dr. Thompson calls in from Austin, Texas, to discuss her personal and professional journey with Lyme disease and address the misconception that Lyme disease doesn’t exist in Texas. Richard also mentions the upcoming ILADS conference in Texas and its role in raising awareness about Lyme disease in the state.

Dr. Torrie Thompson’s Background: Dr. Torrie Thompson reflects on her active childhood in California, where she was passionate about playing junior tennis and equestrian activities. Initially aspiring to become a professional tennis player or veterinarian, her path shifted after a series of undiagnosed health issues, which were later revealed to be caused by Lyme disease.

Her early health challenges included severe symptoms like difficulty lifting her arms, headaches, and unexplained weight gain. These symptoms, combined with visits to multiple specialists who couldn’t provide clear diagnoses, led to significant emotional distress. One doctor even suggested exploratory brain surgery. Through her perseverance and the support of her mother, who was her strongest advocate, Dr. Thompson eventually discovered through her own research that Lyme disease could be the underlying cause of her mysterious symptoms.

The Lyme Disease Diagnosis Journey: After encountering medical professionals who dismissed her symptoms, Dr. Thompson took matters into her own hands and began exploring possibilities, guided by “Dr. Google.” Eventually, a Lyme specialist confirmed her diagnosis through testing, despite resistance from other doctors. While receiving the diagnosis brought her some relief, it also posed new challenges. The physical and emotional toll of Lyme disease deeply impacted her, but it also ignited her desire to understand and treat the illness in a holistic manner.

Treatment Journey and Shift to a Holistic Approach: Dr. Thompson recounts her diverse treatment experiences, ranging from natural and holistic methods, like herbs and dietary changes, to a unique treatment involving magnets with a Lyme specialist in Idaho that significantly improved her health. A pivotal moment came during her travels in Thailand, where a conversation with a neurosurgeon broadened her perspective on healing, convincing her to take a more holistic approach. She explains that this shift away from traditional medicine led her to embrace a comprehensive view of healing—one that considers the whole person, including mental and emotional health. This new direction became central to her treatment philosophy.

Establishing Meraki Wellness Center: Dr. Thompson eventually founded Meraki Wellness Center, named after the Greek word "meraki," which means to put your soul, love, and creativity into your work. At Meraki, Dr. Thompson adopts a multifaceted approach to treating Lyme disease and other chronic health conditions, focusing on detoxification, gut health, and addressing root causes of illness. Her approach emphasizes the importance of diet, lifestyle modifications, and mental health in the healing process.

At the core of her practice is the belief that Lyme disease patients need to adopt a high-maintenance, proactive approach to their health. Dr. Thompson helps her patients create personalized rehabilitation and maintenance plans to ensure long-term well-being, even after the initial treatment phase.

Challenges in Treating Lyme Disease: Dr. Thompson acknowledges the financial burden of Lyme disease testing and treatment. She emphasizes the importance of making testing accessible, especially since many patients have experienced medical fatigue and misdiagnosis. She also shares her approach to patient care, which involves disarming patients by being transparent about her own journey and experiences. This builds trust and helps patients feel understood.

Dr. Thompson highlights the significance of addressing the mental and emotional aspects of Lyme disease, working with therapists and mental health professionals to support her patients. She believes in treating the whole person, not just the physical symptoms, to achieve lasting recovery.

Personalized Treatment and Gut Microbiome: Addressing the complexity of Lyme disease, Dr. Thompson talks about the role of genetic diversity and the importance of tailoring treatment to each individual’s unique biology. While genetics can influence how someone responds to Lyme, Dr. Thompson emphasizes that the diversity of the gut microbiome and the combination of co-infections a person has are even more critical factors.

She shares a personal anecdote involving her and her sister, who both went through the same treatment protocol but had very different outcomes. This illustrates the importance of bioindividuality and the need for a personalized approach to treatment.

Transformation and Finding Purpose: Dr. Thompson’s own experience with Lyme disease led her to discover her true purpose: helping others regain their health. She expresses deep gratitude for her journey, as it has enabled her to make a meaningful impact in the lives of her patients. The connections she has made within the Lyme disease community have been a source of inspiration and fulfillment.

Practical Advice for Patients: Dr. Thompson offers several pieces of practical advice for Lyme disease patients. She emphasizes the importance of a clean, nutrient-dense diet, avoiding processed foods, and focusing on reducing inflammation. Sleep is another critical factor in the healing process. Additionally, she cautions patients against getting bogged down by negativity in online Lyme communities, encouraging them to maintain a positive mindset as they navigate their recovery journey.

Closing Remarks: Richard Johannesen wraps up the episode by thanking Dr. Thompson for sharing her personal story and expertise. He also extends his gratitude to Cassidy Colbert for co-hosting. Dr. Thompson’s journey serves as a beacon of hope for those suffering from Lyme disease, demonstrating that healing is possible through perseverance, holistic care, and bioindividual approaches.

Tune in for an inspiring conversation that sheds light on the complexities of Lyme disease and the integrative healing approach Dr. Thompson champions at Meraki Wellness Center.

The goal of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast is to help people liberate themselves and others from suffering caused by Lyme disease through validation, community building, belief that healing is possible, and modeling success. Listen to our Tick Boot Camp podcast using all major podcast streaming services such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Our podcast is also integrated with smart home devices, such as Amazon Alexa and Apple TV. Ask your device to "play the Tick Boot Camp Podcast!"