Tick Boot Camp

Episode 104: Captain Courageous - an interview with Julia Feygelman

Ms. Feygelman went to Klink St Georg in Germany to get treated with hyperthermia for Lyme disease

4 years ago

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Julia Feygelman. Ms. Feygelman is a 25-year-old community health scientist from Corte Madera, California. She first started to experience the symptoms of a tick disease at just 15-years-old. She went on a volunteer trip to remove weeds, and a week later, she was hospitalized with a persistent high fever, rash, and swollen lymph nodes. She googled her own symptoms and knew she had Lyme disease, but since her test came back negative, it was never revisited. Ms. Feygelman fought through her symptoms to earn a B.S. and Master’s Degree from UCLA. It would take almost 10 years for her to be properly diagnosed with Lyme. If you would like to learn more about this brilliant Lyme Warrior who is in the midst of her healing journey, then tune in now!

The goal of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast is to help people liberate themselves and others from suffering caused by Lyme disease through validation, community building, belief that healing is possible, and modeling success. Listen to our Tick Boot Camp podcast using all major podcast streaming services such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube Music. Our podcast is also integrated with smart home devices, such as Amazon Alexa and Apple TV. Ask your device to "play the Tick Boot Camp Podcast!"