Tick Boot Camp

Episode 404: Triumph Over Lyme - an interview with Tabitha Veazey

Welcome to another episode of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast, where we shed light on the tick-borne illness journey, offering hope, insight, and advice to our community. In this special episode, we are joined by the resilient and inspiring Tabitha Veazey, a 35-year-old Lyme warrior from Memphis, Tennessee, and co-hosted by Lacey Anderson, alongside Rich Johannesen. Tabitha shares her profound journey from the shock of diagnosis to her ongoing battle with Lyme disease, providing invaluable advice for those affected by Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.

Episode Highlights:

  • Introduction to Tabitha Veazey: Discover Tabitha’s life before Lyme, filled with ambition, social activities, and academic pursuits, painting the picture of a bright future ahead.
  • The Turning Point: Tabitha recounts the moment she found a tick on her back and the onset of severe symptoms that led her to seek medical attention, marking the beginning of her Lyme disease journey.
  • Diagnosis and Treatment: Learn about Tabitha's path to diagnosis through a blood test confirmed by Dr. Timothy Callaghan and her comprehensive treatment involving Doxycycline, Amoxicillin, and Byron White herbs.
  • The Role of Community and Holistic Healing: Tabitha emphasizes the importance of the Lyme community on Facebook and the significant role of herbal tinctures and probiotics in her recovery process.
  • Adjusting to Life Post-Lyme: Tabitha shares how Lyme disease has altered her lifestyle, from her social activities to her dietary habits, and her approach to outdoor activities.
  • Tabitha's Advice for Lyme Warriors: Offering words of wisdom, Tabitha encourages staying positive, embracing a healthy lifestyle, and exploring holistic treatments. She stresses the importance of immediate action following a tick bite and the crucial role of Lyme-literate physicians.
  • Co-host Insights: Lacey Anderson and Rich Johannesen provide their perspectives, underscoring the importance of community support, early diagnosis, and the power of sharing personal stories to raise awareness and foster understanding.

Key Takeaways:

  • Empowerment through Education: Tabitha’s journey underscores the importance of being informed and proactive in the face of tick-borne illnesses.
  • The Power of Community: The support and knowledge shared within the Lyme disease community play a critical role in navigating the challenges of diagnosis and treatment.
  • Holistic and Maintenance Care: The episode highlights the significance of holistic treatments and the necessity of maintenance care for long-term health and wellness.
  • Advocacy and Awareness: Tabitha’s story is a call to action for increased awareness and understanding of Lyme disease, advocating for early detection, proper tick removal techniques, and the pursuit of Lyme-literate medical professionals.

Closing Thoughts:

Tabitha Veazey’s story is not just one of struggle, but of resilience, hope, and the journey towards healing. Her insights and advice offer a beacon of light for those navigating the complexities of Lyme disease. Join us as we explore Tabitha's inspiring journey, the lessons learned, and the path forward for Lyme warriors everywhere.

Thank you for tuning into the Tick Boot Camp Podcast. Remember, knowledge is power, and by sharing our stories, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. Stay tuned for more episodes that connect, inform, and empower our community.

Episode 403: Illness to Empowerment - an interview with Mandy Meehan

Welcome to a special episode of our Tick Boot Camp Podcast, where we dive deep into the world of chronic illness, focusing on Lyme disease. Today, we're honored to have Mandy Meehan, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified Dietary Supplement Professional, and Certified Lyme Specialist, share her incredible journey of battling and overcoming Lyme disease. Joining us as a special guest co-host is MTV Reality TV Star Kendall Darnell along with host Matt Sabatello from Tick Boot Camp, bringing their insights and experiences to today’s discussion.

Episode Highlights:

  • Introduction to Mandy Meehan: We start by introducing Mandy, who lives in Oklahoma with her husband, James, their son, Jace, and another child on the way. Mandy's story begins with her falling incredibly sick just two weeks before her wedding, leading to a 7+ year journey battling over 21 different infections, including Lyme Disease, Bartonella, Babesia, EBV, HHV-6, and more.
  • Mandy's Battle with Chronic Illness: Mandy shares the challenges she faced, including severe food intolerances, hormonal imbalances, hypothyroidism, and neurological issues. These conditions rendered her unable to work or care for herself, pushing her to the brink of despair.
  • Turning Point: Determined to reclaim her life, Mandy embarked on an exhaustive journey of research into nutrition, supplement protocols, and healing strategies. This not only sparked her passion for functional wellness but also led her to become a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.
  • Expertise and Empowerment: Mandy discusses her specialty in helping people with Lyme & co-infections, chronic fatigue, and toxicity issues, focusing on digestive health, thyroid function, and hormonal balance. Her approach emphasizes the belief in the body's ability to heal through proper nutrition and lifestyle changes.
  • Navigating Life with Lyme: The conversation shifts to Mandy's insights on parenting with Lyme, managing relationships, addressing mold exposure, and the ups and downs of living with chronic illness. She highlights the importance of community and sharing success stories to inspire others.
  • Healing and Giving Back: Mandy reveals the strategies and treatments that were pivotal in her recovery. She shares how she now uses her experience to give back to the community, helping others navigate their paths to wellness.
  • Hosts Matt Sabatello and Kendall Darnell: Host Matt Sabatello and special guest co-host Kendal Darnell share their perspectives, underscoring the importance of validation, community building, and the belief in healing. They discuss the role of their podcast in spreading awareness and offering hope to those affected by Lyme disease and tick-borne illnesses.

Closing Thoughts:

Mandy Meehan's story is a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for recovery against the odds. Her journey from suffering to healing and now to empowering others is a testament to the strength found in knowledge, support, and the relentless pursuit of health. We thank Mandy for a deeply insightful and inspiring episode.


Thank you for tuning in to this special episode. If you or someone you know is battling Lyme disease or any related condition, we hope you find solace and solutions in Mandy’s story. Remember, healing is possible, and you are not alone in this journey.

Episode 402: Overcoming Trauma - an interview with Caitlin Doody

Welcome to the Tick Boot Camp Podcast, where we aim to empower and uplift those affected by Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. In this compelling episode, we are thrilled to have Caitlin Doody, a 37-year-old Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) from Fairfield County, CT, share her profound journey with Lyme disease. Alongside our special guest co-host, Claire Dalton, we dive deep into Caitlin's experiences, from her initial symptoms to her diagnosis, treatment, and life post-Lyme.

Episode Highlights:

  • Introduction to Caitlin Doody: Discover Caitlin's life before Lyme, her professional background as an APRN treating Lyme and other tick-borne diseases, and her aspirations towards earning a PhD.
  • The Onset of Lyme Disease: Caitlin recounts attending a wedding in a Lyme-endemic area and the subsequent appearance of symptoms that led her to self-diagnose Lyme disease after being dismissed by her primary care provider.
  • Diagnosis and Treatment: Caitlin shares her journey through the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, including her self-diagnosis, the challenges she faced with healthcare providers, and the treatment regimen that followed.
  • Life After Lyme: Caitlin discusses the changes in her life post-treatment, highlighting how her battle with Lyme has made her stronger and more aware of tick-borne diseases. She emphasizes the importance of self-advocacy and trusting one's knowledge of their body.
  • Prevention and Advocacy: Learn about Caitlin's focus on prevention strategies and her efforts to protect families from tick diseases through education and her telemedicine clinic, offering prophylactic treatment for tick bites.
  • Caitlin's Advice: Caitlin offers invaluable advice for those currently battling Lyme disease and emphasizes the significance of finding a supportive medical provider. She also provides tips for preventing tick-borne diseases, underlining the importance of awareness and proactive measures.
  • Special Guest Co-host, Claire Dalton: Claire shares her insights and reflections on Caitlin's story, providing a unique perspective on the challenges and triumphs of living with Lyme disease.

Conclusion: Caitlin Doody's story is a testament to resilience, expertise, and the critical role of self-advocacy in navigating Lyme disease. Her journey offers hope, guidance, and inspiration to our community, reinforcing the belief that healing is possible and emphasizing the power of education and prevention in the fight against tick-borne illnesses.

Join us in this inspiring episode as Caitlin and Claire discuss the realities of Lyme disease, the importance of community, and the journey towards healing and empowerment.

Available Now: Tune in to this episode of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review to help us spread the word and support our mission of liberating individuals from the suffering caused by Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses.

Episode 401: Lyme Empowerment - an interview with Jennifer Russel

Join us for a compelling episode of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast featuring Jennifer Russell, CEO and founder of the Illinois Lyme Association. Co-hosted by Jenny Buttaccio, this episode explores Jennifer's journey from rural living to becoming a major force in the fight against Lyme disease.


  • Welcoming Jennifer Russell and her influential role in the Lyme disease community.
  • Introduction of special co-host Jenny Buttaccio.

Jennifer's Early Life and First Encounter with Lyme

  • Jennifer discusses her upbringing in Alo, Illinois.
  • Early experiences with ticks and the initial lack of Lyme disease awareness.

The Onset of Lyme Disease in Jennifer's Family

  • The story of Jennifer's daughter’s mysterious symptoms and the struggle for a diagnosis.
  • How Lyme disease became a pivotal part of Jennifer's life.

Advocacy and Legislative Efforts

  • Jennifer’s proactive approach to raising Lyme disease awareness.
  • The challenges and triumphs in the legislative process for Lyme disease recognition.

Founding the Illinois Lyme Association

  • The inception and goals of the Illinois Lyme Association.
  • Jennifer’s role in community building and education.


  • Lauryn Russell Lyme Disease Prevention and Protection Law: Grants doctors immunity to treat Lyme disease outside CDC guidelines without risking their license.
  • Insurance Coverage Law (2019): Ensured coverage for Lyme disease in state-regulated insurance plans and Medicaid.
  • Lyme Task Force: appointed to Illinois Department of Public Health’s Lyme Disease Task Force.

Future Aspirations for Lyme Disease Advocacy

  • Jennifer's vision for the growth and impact of the Illinois Lyme Association.
  • Plans for expanding Lyme disease awareness through hiring writers and volunteers.


  • Key insights and takeaways from Jennifer's journey.
  • The importance of advocacy, community support, and perseverance in combating Lyme disease.

Episode 400: Holistic Umbrella - an Interview with Kenzie Vath

Episode Summary: In this compelling episode of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast, we delve into the inspiring story of Kenzie Vath, a Lyme disease advocate, author, and board member of the Global Lyme Alliance. Kenzie opens up about her challenging journey with Lyme disease, the treatments she pursued, and how she transformed her struggle into a powerful advocacy platform.

Guest Bio: Kenzie Vath, an influential figure in the Lyme disease community, has made significant contributions through her work on the Board of Directors for the Global Lyme Alliance. She is the author of The Ignored Pandemic: Real Stories of Lyme Disease and holds a Bachelor's degree in Holistic Health. Kenzie Vath is the VP of Strategic Innovation for Pacific Hospitality Group, a family-owned hospitality management company in Irvine, California. Kenzie oversees asset management, including Capital Expenditure, Spa, Retail, Wellness, and Sustainability. In addition, she is the founder of Holistic Umbrella, a wellness-based lifestyle company providing coaching and inspiration to the Lyme community.

Key Points Discussed:

  1. Initial Diagnosis and Treatment: Kenzie’s journey began with a confusing array of symptoms that went undiagnosed for 10 years. She finally consulted with Dr. Dino Prato at Envita Medical Center, where she embarked on her initial treatment path after being diagnosed with Lyme disease and many co-infections.
  2. Exploring Holistic Approaches: Kenzie then sought the expertise of Dr. Chitra Bhakta in Orange County, California, further expanding her treatment options with a more holistic approach.
  3. Alternative Treatment Methods: Kenzie's exploration of healing continued with the Restore Kit from Vital Plan by Dr. Bill Rawls, offering a natural approach to managing her Lyme disease symptoms.
  4. Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT): A significant turning point in her health journey, the FMT played a crucial role in improving her gut health, which is vital in managing Lyme disease.
  5. Educational Pursuits and Advocacy: With a Bachelor’s in Holistic Health, Kenzie has not only educated herself but also contributes significantly to Lyme disease awareness. Her book "The Ignored Pandemic" sheds light on the struggles faced by those with Lyme disease.
  6. Board Membership and Community Impact: As a board member of the Global Lyme Alliance, Kenzie actively works towards raising awareness and supporting research in the fight against Lyme disease.
  7. Personal Insights and Advice: Kenzie shares her experiences, challenges, and victories, offering invaluable advice to others battling Lyme disease.

Subscribe and Review: If you found this episode enlightening, please subscribe to our podcast and leave us a review. Your feedback helps us reach more people and continue our mission to spread awareness about Lyme disease.

Episode 399: Struggles into Strength - an interview with Christina Glowac

Episode Overview

In this episode of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast, we sit down with special guest co-host Kahlil Fuller and Christina Glowac, a Lyme disease survivor, author, and advocate. Christina shares her empowering journey through Lyme disease, the challenges she faced, and the strategies she employed to manage her condition. This episode is not just about Lyme disease but also about resilience, understanding, and adapting to life's unexpected challenges.

Episode Highlights

Introduction to Christina Glowac

  • Background: Christina Glowac is introduced as a significant figure in the Lyme disease community, known for her resilience and contribution through her book "Ninja Foods."
  • Focus of Discussion: The podcast focuses on Christina’s personal battle with Lyme disease, her family’s experiences, and the creation of her book designed for children with dietary restrictions.

The Origin of "Ninja Foods"

  • Inspiration Behind the Book: Christina discusses how her son’s diagnosis of Lyme disease at four years old led to the creation of "Ninja Foods."
  • Purpose of the Book: Aimed at helping children with chronic conditions, the book offers dietary guidance and emotional support.

Christina’s Lyme Disease Experience

  • Symptoms and Diagnosis: Christina shares her initial symptoms, the challenges in getting an accurate diagnosis, and the impact of the disease on her daily life.
  • Awareness and Education: She emphasizes the need for greater awareness and education about tick-borne illnesses.

Coping Strategies and Healing Journey

  • Importance of Lifestyle: The role of diet, movement, and sleep in Christina’s healing process is discussed.
  • Balancing Life and Health: Christina talks about managing Lyme disease symptoms while fulfilling her responsibilities as a mother and professional.

Navigating Misdiagnosis and Treatment

  • Challenges in the Medical Community: Christina’s struggle with misdiagnosis and skepticism from medical professionals is highlighted.
  • Turning to Holistic Approaches: The discussion turns to how Christina found relief in naturopathy and alternative treatments.

The Power of Alternative Therapies

  • Exploring Different Treatments: Christina shares her experiences with therapies like ionic foot detox and hyperbaric chamber treatment.
  • Financial Considerations: The conversation touches upon the financial aspects of Lyme disease treatment.

Children and Lyme Disease

  • Family’s Experience: Christina opens up about her children’s battles with Lyme disease and the importance of early detection and treatment.

Lifestyle Adjustments and Mental Health

  • Making Changes for Better Health: Christina discusses the adjustments she made in her diet and routine.
  • Mental and Emotional Impact: The mental health aspect of living with Lyme disease is explored.

Conclusion: Inspiration and Advice

  • Christina’s Perspective on Life: She reflects on how Lyme disease has changed her outlook on life and her desire to help others.
  • Practical Advice: Christina provides advice for those dealing with chronic Lyme disease, focusing on affordable treatment options and community support.

Final Thoughts

This episode with Christina Glowac offers valuable insights into the world of Lyme disease from a survivor’s perspective. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of self-advocacy, and the strength of community in overcoming the challenges posed by tick-borne illnesses.

Listen and Subscribe: Be sure to listen to this inspiring episode and subscribe to the Tick Boot Camp Podcast for more stories and insights on battling Lyme disease.

Episode 398: Discovering Resilience - an interview with Ethan Peterson and Josh Lindorf


Welcome to a new episode of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast! In this insightful session, we're joined by Ethan Peterson and Josh Lindorf, who have significantly influenced the Lyme disease community. Their story gained attention after being featured on LymeDisease.org, sparking interest in their experiences and contributions to the community.

Childhood Friendship and Lyme Disease Connection

Ethan and Josh, childhood friends who reconnected in college, share their journey from early years to their struggle with Lyme disease. They discuss the potential link between their shared environment and the likelihood of contracting the disease, providing a unique perspective on community health and Lyme disease prevalence.

Education and Outdoor Exposure in Utah

Diving into their educational background, Ethan and Josh highlight how their upbringing in Utah, with its emphasis on outdoor activities, potentially increased their exposure to Lyme disease. They reflect on the lack of awareness and education regarding tick prevention and Lyme disease in their curriculum, underscoring the importance of incorporating these topics in health education.

The Impact of Lyme Disease on Daily Life

Our guests open up about the profound impact of Lyme disease on their lives. They recount their personal experiences with symptoms, misdiagnoses, and the transformative journey towards awareness and self-care. This section provides valuable insights into the often-overlooked aspects of living with Lyme disease.

Navigating Diagnosis and Treatment

Ethan and Josh share their diagnostic journeys, including the challenges they faced in obtaining accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. Their stories highlight the complexities of Lyme disease diagnosis and the importance of persistence and self-advocacy in the healthcare system. Treatments included Disulfiram, Dapsone, Ketamine, ozone, herbal antimicrobials, and oral and IV antibiotics.

The Role of MyLymeData in Their Lives

Discussing the significance of the MyLymeData project, our guests explain how it has been instrumental in their understanding and management of Lyme disease. They delve into the importance of data collection and community support in advancing Lyme disease research and awareness.

Personal and Spiritual Growth Through Lyme Disease

Exploring the intersection of faith and health, Ethan and Josh discuss how their experiences with Lyme disease have shaped their spiritual beliefs and personal growth. They emphasize the role of hope, resilience, and community support in their healing processes.

Advocacy and Community Contribution

Our guests reflect on their roles as advocates in the Lyme disease community. They share their motivations for helping others, the importance of spreading awareness, and their efforts in creating platforms for education and support.

Conclusion: A Message of Hope and Resilience

Ethan Peterson and Josh Lindorf's journey with Lyme disease is a testament to the power of resilience, awareness, and community support. Their story serves as an inspiration and a call to action for greater understanding and advocacy in the fight against Lyme disease.

About the Tick Boot Camp Podcast

The Tick Boot Camp Podcast, hosted by Matt Sabatello and Rich Johannesen, aims to empower individuals affected by Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. Through sharing stories, building community, and fostering belief in healing, the podcast provides a platform for support and success modeling.

Episode 397: Healthfully U - an interview with Dr. Brad Montagne

Welcome to episode 397 of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast. Today, we're thrilled to share our interview with Dr. Brad Montagne, a highly experienced functional medicine doctor with a unique perspective on Lyme disease. Dr. Brad Montagne, is a seasoned functional medicine doctor from Asheville, North Carolina.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Dr. Montagne's Early Life and Challenges:
    • Childhood struggles with chronic illness.
    • The journey towards functional medicine driven by a quest for deeper health understanding.
  • Exposure to Lyme Disease:
    • Personal and professional encounters with tick-borne illnesses.
    • Insights into the complexity of Lyme disease and the limitations of current diagnostic methods.
  • Understanding Lyme Disease: Threat x Vulnerability:
    • Dr. Montagne's agreement with the formulaic approach to assessing Lyme disease risk.
    • The importance of evaluating both external threats and individual vulnerabilities.
  • Educational Journey and Medical Practice:
    • Dr. Montagne’s rapid educational progression and experiences in California.
    • Establishing a medical practice and encountering Lyme disease cases.
  • Stress and Its Impact on Health:
    • Discussion on how stress leads to immune suppression and increases vulnerability to infections like Lyme disease.
  • Dr. Montagne's Personal Health Battles:
    • Dealing with immunosuppression.
    • Lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and the use of specific supplements for recovery.
  • Functional Medicine Approach to Treatment:
    • Emphasis on foundational nutritional needs.
    • The role of detoxification and natural remedies in treating Lyme disease and other conditions.
  • Lifestyle Changes for Healing:
    • The importance of hydration, proper diet, and the elimination of toxic relationships for health and recovery.


  • A heartfelt thank you to Dr. Montagne for his invaluable insights and contributions to understanding Lyme disease and functional medicine.

Thank you for tuning into this episode of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast. We hope Dr. Brad Montagne's story and insights have been both informative and inspiring. For more episodes and Lyme disease resources, visit our website or follow us on our social media channels.

Episode 396: Lyme Unmasked - an interview with Heidi Hayes


  • Rich Johannsen, co-host, welcomes the audience to the Tick Boot Camp Podcast.
  • Rich introduces guest co-host Maria Mooney, who is filling in for Matt Sabatello.
  • Maria and Rich express their excitement about having Heidi Hayes as a guest on the show.

Getting to Know Heidi Hayes

  • Heidi shares her background, growing up in Southern Ontario near Toronto and Buffalo.
  • The conversation touches on Heidi's early life, being a good student, and her vision of becoming an entrepreneur to make a positive impact on the world.

Heidi's Health Journey

  • Heidi discusses her health journey, initially experiencing immune dysfunction and a lack of energy.
  • The discussion includes Heidi's diagnosis of Lyme disease, her initial relief at finding an explanation for her health issues, and her trust in the medical system.
  • Heidi highlights the challenges faced by individuals with chronic illnesses within the healthcare system.

Lyme Disease Complexity

  • The conversation delves into the complexity of Lyme disease, considering the diverse nature of tick bites and the range of symptoms.
  • Heidi emphasizes the importance of understanding the various elements that contribute to Lyme disease's complexity.

The Search for Effective Treatment

  • Heidi shares her journey to find effective treatment for Lyme disease and related issues.
  • She discusses her experience with mold toxins, her visit to the Venn Med Clinic in Toronto, and the challenges she faced in finding the right treatment plan.
  • Heidi highlights the role of Dr. Donald Dennis in her journey and the positive impact of her treatment.

Life After Treatment

  • The discussion explores Heidi's life after successful treatment, including her gradual recovery and newfound abilities.
  • Heidi talks about her ability to exercise and the importance of celebrating small victories during the healing process.

Lyme Disease Awareness and Advocacy

  • The conversation shifts to Lyme disease awareness and advocacy efforts.
  • Heidi encourages individuals to advocate for themselves and seek proper testing and treatment.
  • The importance of raising awareness within the community is discussed, as well as the value of sharing personal stories to support others.

Closing Remarks

  • Rich, Maria, and Heidi express their gratitude for the opportunity to discuss Lyme disease awareness and advocacy.
  • They encourage listeners to get tested and advocate for their health, emphasizing the importance of early detection and treatment.


  • Rich thanks the audience for tuning in to the Tick Boot Camp Podcast.
  • He invites listeners to explore more episodes and resources on Lyme disease awareness and advocacy.

Episode 395: Treasure Valley - an interview with Jacob Rosenbaum

Introduction: Welcome to another episode of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast! We're thrilled to have Jacob Rosenbaum with us today, sharing his remarkable journey through Lyme disease and the integrative approach that helped him reclaim his health. Joining us as a special guest co-host is Ryan Courneya, whose insights as a previous guest and Lyme disease survivor add a unique depth to our conversation.

Jacob's Story: Jacob dives into his childhood, detailing his early years in a picturesque community and his deep bond with his sister. He reflects on the challenges of growing up sensitive and the shock of his Lyme diagnosis, highlighting his journey from initial symptoms to a comprehensive treatment plan.

Medical Journey and Diagnosis: Jacob recounts the familiar story of navigating the medical system, consulting various specialists, and eventually being diagnosed with Lyme disease. His initial relief at having a diagnosis quickly turns to fear as he delves into research about his condition.

Approach to Healing: Jacob's healing journey is multifaceted, incorporating both traditional and alternative therapies. He discusses how he initially pursued conventional treatments, including long-term antibiotics, before exploring other healing modalities.

Integrative Modalities and Lifestyle Changes:

  1. Lasers: LPS Therapy
  2. Acupuncture: Regular sessions (1-2 times a week)
  3. Antibiotics: Doxycycline (Note: Requires medical supervision)
  4. Herbs: Core Protocol, Teasel Root Tincture, Wind Tea (Green Dragon Botanicals)
  5. Rife Machine: Resonant Light
  6. Intuitive/Shamanic Healing: (Contact Jacob for references in Northern Virginia)
  7. Whole Foods Diet: Focusing on unprocessed food, clean carbs, and quality fats
  8. Exercise: Gradual progression in weightlifting and resistance training
  9. Temperature Stress Training: Implemented alongside weight training
  10. Helping Others: Engagement in community service and support groups

Jacob's Complete Approach:

Section 1: The Foundation

  • Diet and lifestyle changes
  • Emphasis on quality sleep and hydration
  • Gentle introduction to exercise and movement

Section 2: Pathogen Removal

  • Utilization of lasers, Rife machine, and both Western and Chinese herbal remedies

Section 3: Detoxification

  • Techniques like dry sauna, exercise-induced sweating, and breathing exercises
  • Incorporation of fasting and detox supplements

Section 4: Emotional & Spiritual Healing

  • Personal growth through modalities like acupuncture, shamanic sessions, and traditional therapy

Conclusion: Jacob's story is a testament to the power of an integrative approach in tackling Lyme disease. His journey, marked by resilience and openness to various healing modalities, offers hope and guidance to others navigating similar paths.

Thank you, Jacob, for sharing your inspiring journey with us, and to Ryan for enriching this episode with your perspective and experience. To our listeners, we hope this episode provides valuable insights and encouragement in your own journeys.

The goal of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast is to help people liberate themselves and others from suffering caused by Lyme disease through validation, community building, belief that healing is possible, and modeling success. Listen to our Tick Boot Camp podcast using all major podcast streaming services such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Our podcast is also integrated with smart home devices, such as Amazon Alexa and Apple TV. Ask your device to "play the Tick Boot Camp Podcast!"