Tick Boot Camp

Episode 113: It’s All in Your Head - an interview with Rachel Roller

Ms. Roller discovered the last piece of her Lyme healing journey was resetting her brain using a variety of techniques and therapies

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Rachel Roller. Ms. Roller is a 32-year-old entrepreneur and business optimization and connection strategist from Denver, Colorado. For her entire life, Ms. Roller has dealt with various symptoms of Lyme, including lung and joint issues. She wasn’t diagnosed until she was 30 years old. Ms. Roller focuses her treatment around detoxing, diet, and healing other underlying issues in her body so that she can make her immune system stronger. If you would like to learn more about Ms. Roller’s journey with Lyme, then tune in now!

Episode 112: Lax Out Lyme - an interview with Victoria Kotowski

Despite growing up in an upper middle class family on Long Island, New York, Coach Vic went undiagnosed for over 14 years before getting diagnosed with Lyme disease

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Victoria Kotowski. Ms. Kotowski is a 26-year-old lacrosse club director and coach from Long Island, New York. She was an extremely successful athlete and student in high school, with an active social life. That changed when she was 18 years old. Suddenly, Ms. Kotowski had pain in her joints, anxiety, migraines, and developed an eating disorder. She had a very isolating Lyme journey, and doctors misdiagnosed her symptoms as being related to various mental health issues. It took 14 years for her to get a Lyme diagnosis. If you would like to learn more about how Ms. Kotowski is using her experience to help and inspire others, then tune in now!

Episode 111: The Lyme Soldier - an interview with Christina Colandrea

Learn how a fitness model and member of the International Bikini Team was transformed into a Lyme soldier

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Christina Colandrea. Ms. Colandrea is a model from Columbia, Maryland. She was only 12 years old when she first started to experience the symptoms of a tick disease. Despite her symptoms, Ms. Colandrea worked as an orthodontic assistant, and was a self-proclaimed gym rat. Unfortunately, she wasn’t diagnosed with Lyme until she was 31 years old. Ms. Colandrea is a huge fan of detoxing, and is currently treating with a new LLMD. If you would like to learn more about Ms. Colandrea’s Lyme journey, then tune in now!

Episode 110: The Lyme Philosopher - an interview with Courtney Schutze

Courtney Shutze is the brilliant mastermind behind Splash of Lyme

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Courtney Schutze. Ms. Schutze is a 29-year-old blogger from Austin, Texas. She was bitten by a tick in August 2014 while on a cross-country bike ride from Texas to Alaska. For years she experienced memory issues, joint pain, and lost the ability to read. After working long hours trying to fight through her symptoms, Ms. Schutze had to leave her job and move back in with her mom. Then, she was finally diagnosed with Lyme. If you’d like to learn more about Ms. Schutze’s healing journey and her recent move to Austin, Texas, then tune in now!

Episode 109: Bitten - an interview with Kris Newby

Is Lyme a bioweapon? Did you know fatigue is a design feature of Lyme disease? Did a government "cover up" cause the Lyme pandemic? Did you know America unleashed weaponized ticks overseas?

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Kris Newby. Ms. Newby is a 60-year-old author, engineer, and tech and science writer from Palo Alto, California. After vacationing with her family at Martha’s Vineyard, Ms. Newby and her husband both began to feel the symptoms of a tick disease. Ms. Newby communicated to her and her husband’s doctors that they had previously been in a tick endemic community, but they were refused Lyme tests. One year and ten doctors later, Ms. Newby tested positive for Lyme after taking two ELISA tests. She found an ILADS Lyme specialist, who treated her Lyme with IV antibiotics. Ms. Newby has dedicated the past 15 years of her life to finding creative ways to end the tick-borne disease epidemic, including researching and writing Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons. If you would like to learn more about all of Ms. Newby’s contributions to the Lyme community, then tune in now!

Episode 108: Traveling with Lyme - an interview with Jeremy Scott Foster

Mr. Foster has been very sick twice from Lyme disease, either due to a reinfection or relapse, and is currently using a variety of treatments including peptides to get back into remission

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Jeremy Scott Foster. Mr. Foster is a 34-year-old entrepreneur from Los Angeles, California. He was just a teenager when he was bitten by a tick in his backyard in New Hampshire. He experienced extreme brain fog and night sweats, and was lucky to be diagnosed almost right away. He took antibiotics, and began traveling around the world soon after. Then, in September 2015, Mr. Foster either relapsed, or was reinfected. Luckily, he recognized the symptoms he was experiencing, like fatigue, as being related to Lyme and fought to be tested again. If you would like to learn more about Mr. Foster’s Lyme journey and how he hopes to inspire others, then tune in now!

Episode 107: Under Her Skin - an interview with Melanie Hubert

Ms. Hubert was diagnosed with Lyme disease when she was 12 and by the time she was 25 she couldn’t shower or dress herself after an extreme relapse

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Melanie Hubert. Ms. Hubert is a 28-year-old personal trainer from Miami, Florida. Ms. Hubert was just 12 years old when she was diagnosed with Lyme disease. She was a troublesome child because of issues that stemmed from Lyme. In 2017, Ms. Hubert suffered from an extreme relapse. She was underweight, had severe skin issues, and couldn’t shower or dress herself. She had to move back home. Ms. Hubert then started seeing a holistic medicine doctor and began her Lyme treatment journey. If you would like to learn more about how Ms. Hubert stays so positive despite having had Lyme for more than half of her life, then tune in now!

Episode 106: Diagnostic Dog's Breakfast - an interview with Olivia Nicholas

Before being properly diagnosed with Lyme in Australia, Ms. Nicholas was misdiagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) and more over a 10 year period

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Olivia Nicholas. Ms. Nicholas is a 25-year-old mom and real estate administrator from Perth, Australia. She started to experience the symptoms of a tick disease when she was in high school. She had digestive issues, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Ms. Nicholas would not be diagnosed with Lyme until she saw close to 50 doctors. If you would like to learn more about how Ms. Nicholas is helping others so they don’t ever have to feel as lost as she was on her journey, then tune in now!

Episode 105: Bee Nice - an interview with Joyce Braun

Ms. Braun is a Canadian currently treating her Lyme disease with Bee Venom Therapy (BVT)

Joyce Braun is a 43-year-old woman from Ontario, Canada. She was bitten by a tick during a camping trip to a Lyme endemic area in 2015. After the camping trip, she developed severe neck pain. She visited a hospital emergency room and was dismissed by the doctor and accused of seeking drugs. The doctor recommended that she visit a chiropractor for her neck pain. Thereafter her symptoms progressed, and she began to suffer fatigue and chemical sensitivities. In 2018, a series of stressful life events overwhelmed her immune system and she lost the ability to get out of bed. After visiting 5 doctors over 6 years, she was diagnosed with Lyme disease through an IGeneX blood test. The IgeneX test also showed that she tested positive for a German strain of Lyme disease. The results were surprising because Joyce never traveled to Germany. Today, Joyce is treating with Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) and has seen early positive results. If you would like to know more about Joyce Braun managed her Lyme disease related fatigue and chemical sensitivities using Bee Venom Therapy, then tune in now!

Episode 104: Captain Courageous - an interview with Julia Feygelman

Ms. Feygelman went to Klink St Georg in Germany to get treated with hyperthermia for Lyme disease

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Julia Feygelman. Ms. Feygelman is a 25-year-old community health scientist from Corte Madera, California. She first started to experience the symptoms of a tick disease at just 15-years-old. She went on a volunteer trip to remove weeds, and a week later, she was hospitalized with a persistent high fever, rash, and swollen lymph nodes. She googled her own symptoms and knew she had Lyme disease, but since her test came back negative, it was never revisited. Ms. Feygelman fought through her symptoms to earn a B.S. and Master’s Degree from UCLA. It would take almost 10 years for her to be properly diagnosed with Lyme. If you would like to learn more about this brilliant Lyme Warrior who is in the midst of her healing journey, then tune in now!

The goal of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast is to help people liberate themselves and others from suffering caused by Lyme disease through validation, community building, belief that healing is possible, and modeling success. Listen to our Tick Boot Camp podcast using all major podcast streaming services such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube Music. Our podcast is also integrated with smart home devices, such as Amazon Alexa and Apple TV. Ask your device to "play the Tick Boot Camp Podcast!"