Tick Boot Camp

Episode 123: Tick Tock Naturals - an interview with Dr. Susan Eisen

Dr. Eisen used a combination of wester and eastern medicine to recover from Lyme disease

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Dr. Susan Eisen of Tick Tock Naturals. Dr. Eisen is a holistic chiropractor from Jersey City, New Jersey. After suffering Neurological Lyme and symptoms that included excessive sleep, short term memory loss, aphasia and word retrieval loss, she also began to suffer “out of control” anxiety over the thought of reinfection from a tick bite. To manage her anxiety and protect herself from reinfection, she developed an organic mosquito and tick repellent. If you would like to learn more about how Dr. Eisen used anxiety to fuel the creation of Tick Tock Naturals, a natural organic tick repellent, then tune in now!

Episode 122: Tick Bite Blueprint - an interview with Josh Kreifels and Kristina Biggs

Learn about the importance of your gut health and immune system after a tick bite and while on antibiotics

Tick Boot Camp’s guests today are Josh Kreifels and Kristina Biggs. Ms. Biggs is a Registered Nurse (RN) and Mr. Kreifels is a Registered Dietician (RD) both residing in Seattle, Washington. Ms. Biggs and Mr. Kreifels went on a COVID weekend getaway in a mountain area in the Pacific North West and Mr. Biggs discovered a tick biting him on his arm. Ms. Biggs’ training made her aware that Lyme disease can be very dangerous and chronic. Knowing she had a short window to act, Ms. Biggs turned to social media for resources and located Tick Boot Camp’s Instagram page and Tick Bite Blueprint. If you would like to learn more about Kristina Biggs’ and Josh Kreifels’ tick bite journey and how you can use the Tick Boot Camp Tick Bite Blueprint to help you prevent a Lyme disease infection or reinfection, then tune in now!

Episode 121: Awareness - an interview with Monica

It took Monica 8 years to get diagnosed with Lyme disease, despite her classic Lyme symptoms and rashes from "bug" bites when she was a child

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is a 20-year-old Irish/Danish Lyme disease warrior named Monica. Monica’s (Instagram page id_monica123xx) Lyme disease journey began at the age of 10 when she visited her father for a summer holiday in rural Denmark. Despite a Danish public awareness campaign that warned Monica and her family to the dangers of ticks and Lyme disease in her father’s community, a rash on her leg was written off. Shortly thereafter, Monica returned to her native Ireland and was vaccinated, triggering severe and then chronic Lyme disease symptoms. If you would like to learn more about Monica and her Lyme disease journey, then tune in now!

Episode 120: Parenting Lyme - an interview with Dorothy Leland

Learn how Ms. Leland's daughter Rachel healed from Lyme and the importance of Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) in her healing journey

Dorothy Leland is an author and Lyme Disease activist from California. Ms. Leland’s Lyme disease journey began when her 15-year-old daughter Rachel began to suffer the symptoms of Lyme disease. Rachel’s long and often painful Lyme journey led Ms. Leland to work as a research assistant on a Lyme documentary, blog for LymeDisease.org and co-author “When Your Child Has Lyme Disease, A Parent’s Survival Guide.” If you would like to learn more about how the Leland family survived childhood Lyme disease and transformed into Lyme disease activists, then tune in now!

Episode 119: The Absurd Disease - an interview with Vicki Novinsky

Vicki's Lyme journey was so absurd that she was even misdiagnosed with gigantism, despite being average height, before Lyme disease

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Vicki Novinsky. Ms. Novinsky is a spoonie blogger and cartoonist from Brooklyn, New York. Ms. Novinsky was only five years old when she became extremely sick at her parents’ vacation house in Massachusetts. Her mom was frustrated with their family care physician and took Ms. Novinsky to an alternative pediatrician where she was treated with antibiotics. At that time, Ms. Novinsky also developed an autoimmune thyroid disease. Fast forward to graduate school, and Ms. Novinsky became extremely sick again. She had severe brain fog and allergic reactions to almost everything. She also had several misdiagnoses before finally being diagnosed with Lyme by an LLMD. If you would like to learn more about how Ms. Novinsky is bringing light to the Lyme community, then tune in now!

Episode 118: I Grew Up with Lyme - an interview with Sophie Eustache

Lyme disease treatment in France is even more restrictive than in the United States

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Sophie Eustache. Ms. Eustache is a 22-year-old graduate student from Bordeaux, France. She first experienced symptoms of Lyme at just four years old, and doesn’t remember what it feels like to live without constant joint pain and fatigue. She wasn’t diagnosed with Lyme until she was ten years old. Ms. Eustache had a severe relapse of symptoms in 2017, but to the best of her ability, still refuses to let Lyme get in the way of her academic or professional aspirations. If you would like to learn more about the journey of an almost lifelong Lymie, then tune in now!

Episode 117: The Dancer’s Dilemma - an interview with Maren Lotte van Merrienboer

Ms. Lotte van Merrienboer treated Lyme disease with Biophoton Light Therapy and the Medical Medium Protocol

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Maren Lotte van Merrienboer. Ms. Lotte van Merrienboer is a 25-year-old social media influencer from the Netherlands. She first started experiencing the symptoms of a tick disease in 2014. Ms. Lotte van Merrienboer was extremely tired, couldn’t control her muscles, and had brain fog. She wasn’t diagnosed with Lyme for four years, and didn’t see many doctors because they didn’t take her seriously. They told her what she was feeling was in her head. Ms. Lotte van Merrienboer’s ex-boyfriend suffered from Lyme. They hadn’t spoken in years, but she accidentally connected with him on LinkedIn. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. He messaged her, and soon she was telling him about her health problems, and he connected her with his doctor. If you would like to learn more about Ms. Lotte van Merrienboer’s treatment journey, and how she is inspiring others to fight chronic illness, then tune in now!

Episode 116: Wheat Grass Warrior - an interview with Ashley Iovinelli

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Ashley Iovinelli. Ms. Iovinelli is a 32-year-old integrative nutrition coach from Naperville, Illinois. She was a 28-year-old new mother when she first started to experience the symptoms of a tick disease. She went from being an active mother to not being able to move from the couch. Ms. Iovinelli had unexplainable pain that migrated throughout her entire body. She was tested for Lyme at the beginning of her journey, but it came back negative. It wasn’t until a year and a half later that she finally received a positive test. If you would like to learn more about how Ms. Iovinelli is helping others with Lyme through her health coaching and blog, Wheatgrass Warrior, then tune in now!

Episode 115: Fitness, Faith and Mindset - an interview with Alaina Hamade

Ms. Hamade has used Doxycycline, other oral antibiotics, ozone therapy, supplements and other natural treatments for Lyme disease

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Alaina Hamade. Ms. Hamade is a 22-year-old health and wellness coach, social media marketer, and podcaster from Pennsylvania. She started experiencing symptoms of a tick disease in high school, after finding a rash on her leg. Soon after, she had migraines, heart problems, panic attacks, and memory issues. She had to drop out of school. After receiving her Lyme diagnosis, Ms. Hamade now focuses on building up a healthy immune system with probiotics and vitamins. If you would like to learn more about why Ms. Hamade will never be able to return to her old self, then tune in now!

Episode 114: Body Lyme Spirit - an interview with Shannon Delrahim and Ashley Keller

Learn about the creative founders of the Body Lyme Spirit movement

Tick Boot Camp’s guests today are the creative founders of the Body Lyme Spirit movement: Shannon Delrahim and Ashley Keller. Ms. Delrahim is a 30-year-old woman from Los Angeles, California and Ms. Keller is a 31-year-old woman from Pensacola, Florida. Ms. Delrahim’s and Ms. Keller’s parallel Lyme journeys intersected at a doctor’s office when Ms. Keller moved to the west coast in pursuit of an acting career. Unfortunately, they each went undiagnosed for almost a decade. Today Ms. Delrahim describes herself as “totally better” after moving to New York for 6 months to work with a health professional utilizing Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA). Ms. Keller’s Lyme battle is ongoing, but she is now on the trail blazed by her friend and Body Lyme Spirit partner: she is treating with the “same angel of a woman who led Shannon to symptom freedom." If you would like to learn more about the parallel physical, emotional and spiritual journeys that resulted in the creation of the Body Lyme Spirit movement, then tune in now!

The goal of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast is to help people liberate themselves and others from suffering caused by Lyme disease through validation, community building, belief that healing is possible, and modeling success. Listen to our Tick Boot Camp podcast using all major podcast streaming services such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube Music. Our podcast is also integrated with smart home devices, such as Amazon Alexa and Apple TV. Ask your device to "play the Tick Boot Camp Podcast!"