Tick Boot Camp

Childhood Stolen at Birth - an interview with Zara Toohey

A young woman from Australia who believe she contracted Lyme Disease in vitro.

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is a young woman from Australia who believe she contracted Lyme Disease in vitro. Since birth Zara Toohey has managed Lyme Disease symptoms until the chronic disease finally stole her childhood and forced her to give up dancing, spending time with friends and attending school. To show others suffering from chronic diseases they are not alone, Zara Toohey started an Instagram entitled Lyme Life (@Lyme__Life). If you would like to learn more about the inspirational young woman who lives by the mantra “for every fall there is a rise,” then tune in now!

Western Medicine Fails One of Its Own: an interview with Dr. Bill Rawls, MD

Dr. Bill Rawls. Dr. Rawls is a Medical Doctor and author of a ground breaking book entitled Unlocking Lyme.

This is the first segment of Tick Boot Camp’s three-hour interview with Dr. Bill Rawls. Dr. Rawls is a Medical Doctor and author of a ground breaking book entitled Unlocking Lyme. If you would like to learn about how a 4th generation medical doctor and graduate of one of the top medical schools was failed by his own professional community on his Lyme Disease journey, then tune in now! You can contact Dr Rawls at his web site at RawlsMD.com, or his Instagram, Facebook or Twitter accounts at @Rawlsmd.

Too Stubborn and Extroverted

An Interview with Lyme Disease Blogger, Instagram Influencer and Student TED Talk presenter Kelsey Hawkins

Tick Boot Camp’s guest is Lyme Disease Blogger, Instagram Influencer and Student TED Talk presenter Kelsey Hawkins. If you want to follow the story of a young woman who has spent most of her young life as a passenger on a Lyme Disease train that made stops at over 35 separate doctor’s offices and multiple misdiagnosis then tune in now!

The Queen of Being An Open Book

An Interview with Dutch eating disorder recovery and invisible chronic illness coach Danielle van Kalmthout, also called Danie van Kay

Tick Boot Camp’s first European guest is Dutch Eating Disorder Recovery and Invisible Chronic Illness Coach - Danielle van Kalmthout, also called Danie van Kay. If you want to learn about a young woman who has dedicated her life and career to serving people suffering from Lyme Disease, Eating Disorders and Invisible Chronic Illnesses then tune in now! You can contact Danie via email at [email protected] or via Instagram @DanielleVanKay

Healing Out Loud: An Interview with Jackie Shea

Jackie is a healing coach and is remission from chronic Lyme disease

Jackie Shea is a professional health, life and business coach in Lyme disease remission. She also hosts the "Healing Out Loud" podcast to provide hope, guidance and education to the community. In this interview, Jackie walks through her Lyme disease journey and will show you how to better understand and communicate with a chronically ill loved one.

Tick Trip

Tick Boot Camp Boot sends away their tick for analysis.

Learn about resources available for tick identification and testing.

A Graphic Curator of the Lyme Experience

An Interview with Lauren Walters

Richard Johannesen’s and Matt Sabatello's guest today is graphic artist Lauren Walters, founder of Life in Lyme Light, who will show you how to share your Lyme disease journey story and help other people.

A Teacher Takes on Lyme: Dr. Nancy Fox, Ed.D

What every Parent needs to know about lyme disease!

What every Parent needs to know about Lyme Disease! In this brand new interview, Richard Johannesen and Matt Sabatello and Lyme disease education expert Dr. Nancy Fox reveal everything you need to know about educating children on ticks and Lyme Disease. Dr. Fox is the founder of the Lyme Education Awareness Foundation (LEAF). Download this episode now to get started and learn more about Dr. Fox and LEAF!

I Am a Tick Hacker: Michelle Daytz

Learn about a California based advocate's tick disease journey.

Lyme Disease: A History of Failure

Does sexism stop us from seeing the real superheros?

The goal of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast is to help people liberate themselves and others from suffering caused by Lyme disease through validation, community building, belief that healing is possible, and modeling success. Listen to our Tick Boot Camp podcast using all major podcast streaming services such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube Music. Our podcast is also integrated with smart home devices, such as Amazon Alexa and Apple TV. Ask your device to "play the Tick Boot Camp Podcast!"