Tick Boot Camp

Episode 74: You Do Not Look Sick - an interview with Signe Jensen

Signe Jensen is a 29-year-old fitness and health influencer from Denmark who was bitten by a tick and developed a bullseye rash

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Signe Jensen. She is a 29-year-old fitness and health influencer from Denmark. In 2011, Ms. Jensen fell off of her bike and was severely concussed. Then, in 2013, she was bitten by a tick and developed a bullseye rash. She was given 10 days of antibiotics. Soon, she had flu-like symptoms, hair loss, and menstrual irregularities. Ms. Jensen finally received a positive Lyme test five years later. If you would like to learn more about how Signe Jensen is using her Lyme Disease journey to help others know that they’re not alone, then tune in now!

Episode 73: No One Believed Me - an interview with Anna Strezelczyk

Anna Strezelczyk was bitten by a tick at the age of 7 and as she got older she started to have trouble walking, breathing, and speaking

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Anna Strezelczyk. Anna Strezelczyk is a 29-year-old IT professional from Poland. At the age of 7, she was bitten by a tick. Afterward, she started to experience health problems, and was always sick growing up. As she got older, she started to have trouble walking, breathing, and speaking. She also had numerous hospital stays before being diagnosed with Lyme at the age of 26. If you would like to learn more about how Anna Strezelczyk is using her Lyme disease journey to facilitate an open conversation about Lyme, then tune in now!

Episode 72: Lyme Changed Every Aspect of My Life - an interview with Ashley Belanger

Ashley Belanger had migraines that would last for months, hair loss, extreme fatigue, night sweats and would walk into a room and forget why she was there

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Ashley Belanger. Ashley Belanger is a young woman from Minnesota. In her early 20s, she began to experience the symptoms of a tick disease. She had migraines that would last for months, hair loss, extreme fatigue, and night sweats. At its worst, she would walk into a room and forget why she was there. After 10 years and no diagnosis, Ashley Belanger decided to give her cousin’s Lyme Literate Medical Doctor (LLMD) a try. There, she tested positive for Lyme via a muscle test and started the LymeStop treatment plan. If you would like to learn more about Ashley Belanger’s tick disease journey and how she wants to give others hope and guidance, then tune in now!

Episode 71: A Motor Cross Champion’s Hidden Internal Injury - an Interview with Ivan Ramirez

Ivan is a professional dirt bike racer from Mexico with sponsors like Red Bull and Oakley who fell seriously ill with Lyme Disease

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Ivan Ramirez. Ivan Ramirez is a 26- year-old professional dirt bike racer from Mexico. In 2015, he was on top of the racing world, he had won the Hare & Hound National Championship, and had many sponsors including Oakley, Red Bull and KTM. Then, he had a crash while practicing, and felt weak and dizzy when he attempted to return to training. He visited countless doctors, eventually receiving a Lyme Disease diagnosis when he went to a clinic in the US that tested for bacteria and viruses. If you would like to learn more about how Ivan Ramirez is documenting his Lyme Disease journey and hopes of getting his racing career back on track, then tune in now!

Episode 70: Bitten a Thousand Times – an interview with Nolan Fernandez

Nolan Fernandez is a microbiologist who has dedicated his career to researching ticks

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Nolan Fernandez. Nolan Fernandez is a microbiologist from Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He dedicated his educational career to researching ticks and has been bitten by ticks over 1000 times. As a result, he has many tips on avoiding ticks and protecting yourself from tick diseases. He also discusses genetically modified mice, Deet, permethrin and utilizing ticks as bio-weapons. If you would like to learn more about how Nolan Fernandez is using his knowledge of ticks to help others avoid ticks, Lyme and tick diseases, then tune in now!

Episode 69: There’s a Whole World of People Out There That Need Help - an interview with Emma Franklin

Emma Franklin is a young woman from England who was completely bedridden and in a semi-conscious state where she couldn’t move her arms or legs

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Emma Franklin. Emma Franklin is a young woman from England who first started experiencing the symptoms of a tick disease when she was just 11 years old. As her symptoms progressed, she lost close friends, family members, and romantic partners. By the age of 20, she was completely bedridden and in a semi-conscious state where she couldn’t move her arms or legs. She couldn’t even have clothing or bed sheets touch her skin without experiencing severe discomfort. She finally visited a private clinic where she tested positive for Lyme. If you would like to learn more about Emma Franklin’s healing journey and how she is helping other Lyme Warriors to feel less alone, then tune in now!

Episode 68: We Are On Our Own - an interview with Shona Curley

Shona Curley is a 45-year-old woman from San Francisco who was bitten by a tick, but told by her doctors not to worry unless she developed a fever or rash

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Shona Curley. Shona Curley is a 45-year-old woman from San Francisco. In 2014, she was bitten by a tick, but told by her doctors not to worry unless she developed a fever or rash. One year later, she began to experience constant flu-like symptoms, spent weeks in bed, and was forced to miss out on her young children’s lives. She eventually made an appointment with a Lyme specialist, and her healing journey began. She now balances her health with working part-time and being an active mother. If you’d like to learn more about Shona Curley’s tick disease journey and how she hopes to help Lymies through her guided meditations, then tune now!

Episode 67: They Were Sick of Me Being Sick - an interview with Rayanne Dooley

Rayanne Dooley, a 21-year-old woman from Ireland, started experiencing flu-like symptoms which her doctors dismissed as anxiety

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Rayanne Dooley. Rayanne Dooley is a 21-year-old woman from Ireland. In September 2018, she started experiencing flu-like symptoms which her doctors dismissed as anxiety. Her family also dismissed the severity of her illness and she struggled to stay in school. A woman from a Facebook group mentioned to Rayanne Dooley that she should get tested for Lyme Disease, and that’s when she finally received a proper diagnosis. With the support of her partner, Rayanne Dooley has embarked on a mission to heal. If you’d like to learn more about Rayanne Dooley’s tick disease journey and how she hopes to help Lymies with frayed family ties, then tune in now!

Episode 66: Riding Out Lyme - an interview with Brandi Dean

Brandi Dean is the founder and president of Ride Out Lyme, and founder and advisory board member of the Dean Center for Tick Borne Illness

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Brandi Dean. Brandi Dean is the founder and president of Ride Out Lyme, and founder and advisory board member of the Dean Center for Tick Borne Illness. After finishing a four-year tour in the Coast Guard, she began to feel the symptoms of a tick disease. At its worst, Brandi Dean would have to take her son to school in a taxi, because she was incapable of driving. She was bitten for a second time in 2016 and her symptoms returned with a vengeance. If you’d like to learn more about Brandi Dean’s tick disease journey and how she and her husband are helping others with tick borne illnesses, then tune in now!

Episode 65: I Did Everything You’re Supposed to Do, and I Still Got Sick - an interview with Sara Brunner

Sara Brunner suffered for two years and had an unsuccessful trip to the Mayo Clinic

Tick Boot Camp’s guest today is Sara Brunner. Sara Brunner is a clinical dietician from Ontario, Canada. In 2014, she was bitten by a tick and started experiencing flu-like symptoms. She was still suffering two years later and had an unsuccessful trip to the Mayo Clinic. The night of the trip, her husband conducted his own research pertaining to his wife’s illness, and Lyme Disease repeatedly came up. The next day, Sara Brunner ordered an IGenex test and her healing journey began. If you’d like to learn more about Sara Brunner’s tick disease journey and how she hopes to someday create a program that helps other Lyme Warriors, then tune in now!

The goal of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast is to help people liberate themselves and others from suffering caused by Lyme disease through validation, community building, belief that healing is possible, and modeling success. Listen to our Tick Boot Camp podcast using all major podcast streaming services such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube Music. Our podcast is also integrated with smart home devices, such as Amazon Alexa and Apple TV. Ask your device to "play the Tick Boot Camp Podcast!"